Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Currently August

I'm a little late to the party, but August definitely crept up on me! ;)

we had a really fun morning out at the zoo, but the heat totally wore me out, and we have watched a little too much TV this afternoon. #mommyfail #keeping it real Every once nice in a while it's okay though! 

It's so fun to watch my boys at this stage! There is definitely lots of refereeing but life is fun with those too. We are hosting a Chinese high schooler for a couple of days and he was commenting on how he never had anyone to play with at home. It made me realize how fortunate my boys are to have each other as playmates!

Since I am teaching only two days a week at a homeschool academy this year, we jump into the curriculum a little faster than I am used to. My kids will have also spent the last several years together so I will be the newbie coming in getting to know them! I have been thinking a lot about how I want to jump in to the first days, but still use lots of time to get to know the kids too!

I have a huge pile of books to read, but by the time the boys are tucked in I am exhausted too and don't have the brain power to really dive in to some of the professional books I want to read. I need to figure out our schedule better to work in some reading time for me during the day! How do you think independent reading would look with a 4 year old and 2 year old? ;) I think my 4 year old could give me 20 minutes looking at books, but my 2 year old, not so much!

I love the quiet hours after the boys are tucked in... but during summer they always seem to go to bed later which makes me go to bed later! I need to make myself go to bed much earlier than I have been!

{b2s rak}
This is such a great idea! :) My new teammates (the 4th and 5th grade teachers) have been especially wonderful. My boys will be going to the same school as well. Anyways, the bananas are piling up in my freezer so a special loaf for the first day of school would be a fun treat! :)

I'm linking up with Farley's Currently! See what all the teachers are up too! :)


  1. I also need a sleep schedule. I teach in a all-year round school and we are in our third week back. Still adjusting to sleeping in during the summer and watching a couple of movies before bed.

    Have a great school year!


    1. I've always wanted to try a year round calendar! Do you like it? Hope your year is off to a great start!

  2. I've never ever heard of a homeschool academy?! You should write a blog post on it! I'd love to hear more about one!

    The Whimsical Teacher

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! I will have to do that! :)


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